Ad hoc, on-demand smoke modelling tools.
Users can create emissions scenarios for prescribed burns and wildfires, then model and view the resulting smoke dispersion forecast.
Playground incorporates the most-recent Canadian wildland forest fuel data and current daily BlueSky Canada NWP weather forecasts.
Playground - Express
Assumes a fixed emission rate, regardless of the actual fuels.
Useful for getting a quick estimate of where the smoke will likely go, but not for predicting actual PM2.5 concentrations near the ground.
Playground - Full
Translates Canadian fuels into US equivalents before modelling.
Includes an expert mode for users to change individual parameters.
Playground - Advanced
Uses Canadian fuels directly for modelling.
Includes aspects of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) system.
Includes an expert mode for users to change individual parameters.
Coming soon ...